

发布时间:2023-01-08 10:51:14 浏览次数:268次


There are a lot of people because of congenital causes hair naturally scarce, so these people fret. A thick black hair has become a distant dream. In fact, we should not be so pessimistic, according to the current level of technology in order to make the hair becomes thick is not a difficult task, the following teach teach you how to make your own hair becomes thick.

Before understanding how to make the hair becomes more ways lead us first take a look at what are the reasons for thinning hair.


Late at night, either from work or entertainment needs, will make people excessive mental stress. In the role of stress, the body piloerection muscle contraction, hair erect, and make the capillaries deliver nutrients to the hair follicles shrink, causing local blood circulation, causing the hair of ecological change and malnutrition.

Mental stress can also cause excessive sweating and sebaceous glands secrete growth, resulting in severe dander, hair, reducing environmental quality of survival, resulting in hair loss.

Also some people, because they are oily hair, shampoo it frequently. As everyone knows, this is one of the leading causes of frequent stimulation of hair loss.

如何让头发变浓密,中医认为气发的润养来源于血,故发有“血余”之称。发的营养虽来源于血,其生机则根于肾气,因此,发为肾之外候。发的生长与脱落、润泽与枯槁,均与肾的精气盛衰有关。 所以要维护秀发的浓密,应经常服食补肝肾、益精血类食疗膳,常选用熟地、枸杞、淮山药、何首乌、桑椹、黑芝麻、黑大豆、菠菜、胡萝卜、核桃等。现代医学也认为,人体的头发与骨髓盛衰有关。血液中的红细胞、白细胞都在骨髓中形成,而骨髓的衰退是缺乏类粘蛋白和骨膜质引起的,因此这些物质的缺乏也就直接影响头发的生长。所以经常注意补充一些头发生长所必需的铁、硫、维生素A和优质蛋白质是十分重要的。

How to make hair becomes thick, Chinese medicine, gas issued from the blood run support, it made the "blood over," said. Although hair nutrition from the blood, and its vitality is rooted in the kidney, therefore, made for the outside of the kidney waiting. Hair growth and loss, moist and haggard, with both ups and downs related to kidney essence. So to maintain a bushy hair, should always take liver or kidney, and blood meal therapeutic class, often used in cultivated land, wolfberry, Chinese yam and medicine, Polygonum, mulberry, black sesame, black beans, spinach, carrots, walnuts and so on. Modern medicine also believes that the ups and downs of human hair and bone related. Red blood cells, white blood cells are formed in the bone marrow, bone marrow is the lack of decline in the periosteum and mucin-caused, so the lack of these substances will directly affect hair growth. So always pay attention to add some hair growth necessary for iron, sulfur, vitamin A and protein quality is very important.

