

发布时间:2023-01-08 10:51:14 浏览次数:426次

Laurel wig replacement center Jinan additional use of international pop, the most advanced stealth technology Seamless issuance, would be issued with the guests their hair naturally blend together, then trim to freshen up after professional technicians and styling, you can comb out different hairstyles, and free grooming, blowing, hot, baked dye and stability, permeability is very good.   
增发作为一种头发美容服务,当你拿到我们为您量身定做的发品后,您可选择任何一家心仪的发型店,选择平常所信任的高级专业美发师为自己修剪喜欢的发型。增发后根据自身原有头发生长的速度快慢及发型效果,自行定修剪周期,男士一般一个月为标准,女士一般一至三个月为标准修剪一次。增发除了不能生长以外,它和原有头发一样能任意梳洗,还可以根据您的需要任意变换发型发色,完全避免了对您自身原有头发及身体的损害。只要保养得好可使用 5-8 年左右。
As an additional hair beauty services, when you get our hair products tailor-made for you, you can choose any one favorite hair shop, choose the usual trusted senior professional hairdresser for their favorite hair trimmed. After issuance in accordance with their original speed and the speed of hair growth hair effect, self-pruning cycle set, men generally a month as a standard, Ms. generally one to three months for the standard trim once. In addition to the issuance of not grow, it can be arbitrary as the original hair grooming, can also transform any hair color according to your needs, you completely avoid their original hair and body damage. Well maintained can be used as long as 5-8 years.    
Issuance and, like real hair, no special treatment, as long as 10 days or so cleaned once. Each time you wash, the hair will be hidden in the dust and dirt can be washed off, the specific method is to wet hair piece with the flow of warm water (30 ℃ ~ 40 ℃) of all, squeeze the right amount of shampoo and evenly skilled palm coated over the hair piece, from the top to the sides and back of the painting, and then use a wide-tooth comb gently rounded comb through the hair and rinse with warm water along the direction of the hair clean.

