

发布时间:2023-01-08 10:51:14 浏览次数:237次


Wide choice of wood or horny tooth comb, not easy to produce static plastic comb, along the direction of hair drooping naturally segmented comb. The distal segment refers to comb the hair segment,and finally combing the hair near the proximal end of the hair root and can relieve entanglement.

Green vegetables alkaline inorganic salt content is high, the body can not neutralize acidic substances conducive to hair growth, making it non-toxic substances from the body, eat more fruits such as cherries, apples, dates, etc., eat animal protein , but not excessive consumption, because they are acidic substance, blood acidic state, would prevent bodybuilding skin and hair, eating digestible high protein, low fat, high in vitamins and foods rich in iron.

Perm water (perm lotion) and most certain chemicals contained in hair dyes have adverse effects on hair damage the hair, such as the frequent use can make hair dry and dull hair "hair" is not smooth, entangled easy to tie, fragile easily broken, the extent of their injuries aggravated with increasing number of salons, so we recommend try not to perm, hair color, or at least increase the interval to reduce the hair count.
