

发布时间:2023-01-08 10:51:14 浏览次数:512次

假发样式繁多,适型完美,可以在不同场合上应用,如上班、旅游、休闲、晚宴等;简直可以让你的形象千变万化、妙不可言。 但是假发再美也要适合你自己,下面桂冠假发的有关专业人员给大家提供几条在选择假发时应该遵循的规律,希望对大家有所帮助。

偏黑: 皮肤色素沉淀严重,会使肤色看上去暗淡又无光泽,在发色上要选用一些自然黑、深橙色等衬托,会使脸色亮丽许多。
Severe skin pigmentation, make skin look dull and lackluster in the color you want to use some natural black, dark orange and so set off, many will look bright.
偏白: 偏白的肤色虽然是天生丽质,但如果假发的颜色选择不当,会让你看上去很不健康。但是浅棕红,浅咖啡色这类偏红又很柔和的色系会使你的脸色红润而有生气。
Although it is whitish complexion natural beauty, but if the color of the wig inappropriate choice, will make you look very healthy. But the red light brown, light brown and very soft kind of reddish color will make your face red and angry.  
偏黄: 肤色偏黄可以选用自然黑色,深咖啡色等较深的色系,会使偏黄的皮肤显得白皙许多。千万拒绝黄色系的发色,会使本来就不好看的皮肤更加难看。
You can choose a darker color yellowish color natural black, dark brown, etc., will make a lot of white skin appear yellowish. Do refusal color yellow lines, it would have been even more ugly ugly skin.  
自然肤色: 这种皮肤是最好的了,看起来健康又有光泽,选择发色的余地也很宽,如黄色、棕红、葡萄酒红、深紫、深咖啡全部都很合适。
This skin is the best, and looks healthy and shiny hair color choice is very wide, such as yellow, reddish brown, wine red, purple, dark coffee all are appropriate.  

方脸型: 这种脸型的女士一定要注意,如果疏忽,便会使自己的缺点暴露出来,所以尽量选择一些两边层次低一些,稍不卷曲的发型会使脸看上去柔和许多。会使女人更加温柔、妩媚。
Miss this face must be aware that if negligence, will make their own shortcomings exposed, so try to choose some of the lower level on both sides, many slightly curly hair does not make the face look softer. Make a woman more gentle, charming.   
瓜子脸: 最好选择中长发型比较适合,而且额头部分可以蓬松一点,下颌部也丰满些的发型,这样整体感觉会很协调。
Choose the best hair type is suitable, but can be part of fluffy little forehead, lower jaw also fullness of hair, so the overall feel will be very coordinated.
圆脸: 可以选择一些能遮盖腮部,使脸的长度有所表现,令其丰满的脸庞显得娇小许多。
You can choose some can cover the cheeks, so the length of the face to be seen, so that it appears plump face many petite.   
椰圆型脸: 可选择一些刘海四、六分或三、七分缝,整体大波浪式的假发,使用流畅的线条来衬托于下额处,会使整张脸看起来生动而有流线感。
Select some bangs four, six or three, seven joints, the overall big wave wig, use smooth lines to set off the amount in the next place, will make the whole face looks lively and has a sense of flow lines.   
