

发布时间:2023-01-08 10:51:14 浏览次数:267次

产后脱发,医学上又叫做“分娩性脱发”。据统计,约35%-40%的妇女产后有不同程度脱发的现象。医学研究认为,这与孕妇妊娠期前后体内雌激素水平的变化有关,妇女在怀孕以后,由于其体内雌激素增多,脱发的速度减慢,头发的寿命延长,部分头发便“超期服役”。而分娩以后,其体内雌激素水平下降至正常,那些“超期服役”的 头发便纷纷“退役”而脱落。那么应该如何预防产后脱发呢?

Women during pregnancy and lactation should be noted that a reasonable diet, nutrition, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and fish, beans, eggs, etc., to meet the needs of hair growth.
2、妇女在孕期经常用木梳梳头,或有节奏地按摩,刺激头皮,促进头皮的血液循环,有利于头发的新陈代谢,使新发尽快地长出。经常洗头,防止污垢油脂堆积,保持 头发和头皮的清洁,也有利于新发的生长。
Women often comb hair during pregnancy, or rhythmic massage and stimulate the scalp and promote blood circulation to the scalp, the hair is conducive to metabolism, so as soon as possible to grow new hair. Regular shampoo to prevent the accumulation of dirt grease to keep hair and scalp clean, but also conducive to the growth of new hair.
To relax during pregnancy and lactation have to feel comfortable, to recognize postpartum hair loss is a temporary process, have confidence in themselves, believe that hair loss will stop, but will soon grow hair as ever. Avoid stress, because the tension can only increase the degree of hair loss.
4、要注意平衡膳食,加强营养,不能挑食、偏食和忌口。多食新鲜蔬菜、水果、动物性蛋白质、海产品、豆类、蛋类等以满足 头发及身体对营养的需要。
Pay attention to a balanced diet, nutrition, not picky eaters, the partial eclipse, and taboos. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, animal protein, seafood, beans, eggs, etc. to meet the needs of the hair and body of nutrients.
Optional mild shampoo for their own supplies, regular cleaning hair. Often with comb hair or fingers rhythmically massaging and stimulating the scalp, can enter the blood circulation of the scalp, the hair is conducive to metabolism.

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